Simple Story: Called the facility on July 20th, had confirmation for beach on July 21th. Went to the beach on Jul 21st, and they didn't admit, saying “there is no reservation, we don’t have space, rudely by staff. Gokhan, the facility manager called and apologized, invited for next day, but was too late, destroyed the day already.
Ozetle soyle bir deneyim yasadim: 20 Temmuz aksami arayip beach rezervasyon yaptim, fiyat vs bilgisi verildi, 21 Temmuz’da beach gorevlisi rezervasyon yapilmadigini, musait yer olmadigini kaba sekilde soyledi, gunumu Ve progrmimi altust ettiler. Tesis Muduru Gokhan bey aradi, kusura bakmayin, yarin gelin vs dedi ama birdaha ayni hata yapilmaz diye dusunuyorum.