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I just loved the decor of this place! - Bottega Sicula Pescheria, Milan Resmi

Fotoğraf: I just loved the decor of this place!

Bottega Sicula Pescheria ile İlgili : Wonderful food, lovely owners, and a delightful decor Yorumundan

Bottega Sicula Pescheria

5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,5 1.841 yorum
Milan içinde 7447 restoran arasında 68. sırada
I just loved the decor of this place!
Crudités, with shrimps, gambas, sea-urchins, and oysters - delicious and very fresh!
Tris di tartare - shrimps, salmon, and tuna - delicious!
Bella serata: consigliato!
Bella serata: consigliato!
Bella serata: consigliato!
Masa ayırtın
16/02 Paz

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