Castello di Carlo V

Castello di Carlo V

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5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0351 yorum
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Cartagena, İspanya1.641 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Ağu 2024 • Çiftler
This fortress, commissioned by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, in the mid-16th century, was built to fortify the Kingdom of Naples against Ottoman raids and pirate attacks (Comune di Monopoli).
Yazıldığı tarih: 13 Ekim 2024
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Peter C
Malta Adası, Malta3.167 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Eyl 2024 • Arkadaşlar
It is highly recommended to take a leisurely walk by the sea and enjoy the view of the historic 16th century Castle of Charles V and adjoining Santa Maria bastion. It is very peaseful and serene (tourists apart). The Castle is overlooking the Old Port of Monopoli and the views are beautiful.
Yazıldığı tarih: 1 Ekim 2024
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Debrecen, Macaristan2.455 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Kas 2023 • Çiftler
We were walking along the seaside on the beach and saw some brave swimmers in November. Then we arrived at this 16th century castle and the Santa Maria Bastion. They are nicely preserved. It had an important and dominating role in the past. It protected the harbor entrance to the city. The view is magnificent, we took lots of pics.
Yazıldığı tarih: 24 Ocak 2024
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Louis vlm
20 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 2,0
Eki 2023 • Çiftler
10€ for the visit to the castle in 5 minutes it's done there's nothing I put 2 for the exterior view we enter the castle first floor three rooms with photographs an exterior terrace and it's over
Yazıldığı tarih: 11 Ekim 2023
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Belgrade, Sırbistan20.003 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Ağu 2023 • Aile
The Carlo V Castle dates back to 16 c when the Spanish ruled the area. It has a dominating and protecting position at the town's harbor entrance. The Castle looked nicely preserved, however we didn't enter as there was a photography exhibition inside with a steep entry fee.
Nevertheless the area around it is very picturesque, so you can walk around it and make excellent pics.
Yazıldığı tarih: 29 Eylül 2023
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Alpharetta, Gürcistan17.360 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 3,0
Tem 2023 • Çiftler
This small medieval fort overlooking the Old Port of Monopoli was built by Charles V in the 16th century during the period of Spanish domination of the city. The fortress was constructed on top of a large Roman fortified gate.

Access is from the part of the tower of Norman origin which was annexed during construction.

It has been rebuilt several times over the centuries. It was used as a prison in the early 1900s, and was restored in 1976. Today it houses the Municipal Archaeological Museum. It is used for exhibits, museum, and weddings.
Yazıldığı tarih: 14 Eylül 2023
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Rosario R
Napoli, İtalya52 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Ağu 2023
I was intrigued to note that the castle of Monopoli is built on the strip of land furthest from the sea...and when asking for information I was motivated by the fact that it was part of the coastal fortification system...desired by Charles V in Puglia .

Due to its suggestive location... I learned that this Castle is the municipal seat for celebrating civil weddings
Yazıldığı tarih: 18 Ağustos 2023
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Christine M
4 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 2,0
Tem 2023
The castle is not set up as historical castle with information about its history. Instead it is currently a photography exhibit. We were not happy to pay 20 euro just for the photography exhibit. We expected to see more and learn more about the castle itself.
Yazıldığı tarih: 17 Temmuz 2023
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Le Mee-sur-Seine, Fransa5.606 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Nis 2023
Dans le cheminement de votre visite pédestre de Monopoli, vous ne pouvez manquer cet endroit, lorsque vous longez le port, il est juste devant vous, sur le quai opposé, trônant majestueusement, c'est un lieu d'exposition (on aime ou pas?) vous pouvez en faire le tour par les quais, belles vues sur la villes les ports et les remparts.
Yazıldığı tarih: 30 Nisan 2023
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Kopenhag, Danimarka259.723 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Kas 2022
Det lille slot som er opkaldt efter Karl V har en meget charmerende beliggenhed ved havnen i Monopoli, hvor dets oprindelige funktion var befæstning af kysten. Slottets opførelse blev afsluttet i 1552. Allerede i 1600 blev det ombygget og udvidet. Senere, fra begyndelsen af 1800-tallet og helt frem til 1969 fungerede det som fængsel.
I dag bruges det til kulturelle arrangementer og møder.
Man kan besøge slottet indvendigt, når det er åbent om eftermiddagen, men det er ikke specielt spændende at komme ind. Det hele fremstår næsten alt for restaureret og pænt, og med mindre der er en udstilling, er rummene tomme.
Men er der åbent, når man kommer forbi, skal man selvfølgelig gå ind og se det.
Yazıldığı tarih: 30 Aralık 2022
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

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Castello di Carlo V - Monopoli - 2025 - Tripadvisor

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