M. Auezov's House Museum

M. Auezov's House Museum

M. Auezov's House Museum
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5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,03 yorum
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Santa Rosa, Kaliforniya3.236 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Tem 2024 • Aile
Mukhtar Auezov was one of the most important figures in Kazakh literary history, a writer, philologist, and academic of language and literature. He was one of the Soviet Union's leading figures in these fields in the 20th century and a huge presence in Kazakh literary culture. There are references to him everywhere, including statutes and the Auezov Theatre in Almaty. This is is house, preserved, along with an adjoining museum. It provides much information about this interesting and important person, and the house still contains many items which belonged to him, including books, furniture, and more. It is well worth a visit. When we visited in early July 2024, we were the only visitors there.

This is located near the Abay metro stop on Tolebaev St in the city centre.
Yazıldığı tarih: 23 Eylül 2024
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Bologna, İtalya5.799 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Eyl 2022
E' stata recentemente riaperta al pubblico la casa di Auezov, intellettuale kazakho del Novecento. Una villetta su due piani circondata da un bel giardino. Quando siamo arrivati la casa la abbiamo trovata chiusa al pubblico ma la nostra guida è riuscita a farla aprire apposta per noi. L'arredamento è quello tipico della residenza di una persona benestante dell'epoca, in un quartiere tranquillo del centro di Almaty. Nella dependance della casa era allestita una mostra sugli intellettuali kazakhi del Novecento. E' una visita imperdibile per capire come si svolgesse la vita di un intellettuale dell'epoca.
Yazıldığı tarih: 25 Eylül 2022
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Gunnar H
Bromma, İsveç46 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Oca 2017 • Yalnız
This is a very interesting little museum, where you can get to know everything that you probably didn’t know about famed and beloved Kazakh writer Mukhtar Omarkhanuli Auezov (pronounced more or less “auyezof”). You also get a glimpse of how Soviet society was established in Kazakhstan. As all written information in the museum is in Kazakh or Russian, do read up a little on Auezov before you go there (Wikipedia). The museum staff is very sweet and helpful, but only in Kazakh and Russian, as far as I got to know.
One part of the museum consists of Auezov’s private home, where he spent the last 10 years of his life. The house is a fascinating place even if you know nothing about the work of Auezov, as you get a glimpse of the living standards of the Soviet elite in the 1950s. It’s always interesting to peep into how other people are living, isn’t it?!
Yazıldığı tarih: 12 Şubat 2017
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.
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M. Auezov's House Museum - Almatı - 2025 - Tripadvisor

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