Shenzhen Metro

Shenzhen Metro

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5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,5286 yorum
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Le Hoai
4 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Ara 2023 • İş
The high-speed train route is incredibly convenient and affordable. I've used it most of the time during my stay here. I highly recommend everyone to utilize it
Yazıldığı tarih: 2 Şubat 2024
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Tainan, Tayvan18.359 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Ara 2023 • Çiftler
In the early days, there were only two subway lines to Shenzhen. In less than twenty years, sixteen subway networks as dense as a spider web have been developed. Important transportation stations, tourist attractions, border ports, etc. can all be reached by subway. , or use buses and taxis to reach destinations far away from the subway station. The overall ride experience is quite good as the fares are cheap, the facilities are complete and there are no traffic jams. Some stations have novel designs, such as the Shenzhen Eye at Gangxia North Station, the fourth-line transfer hub of Lines 2/10/11/14, which has become a check-in hotspot. If you have time, you can stop here briefly to admire it while taking the subway.
Yazıldığı tarih: 29 Ocak 2024
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Hong Kong, Çin96 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
May 2023 • Arkadaşlar
深圳地鐵很方便快捷,幾乎所有景點也可搭地鐵前往,單程交通費人民幣2元至7元。 鲜為人知道的是原來也有一天票和三天票售賣,分別為人民幣25元及75元,值得大家考慮。 地鐵站中以崗廈北站最美,有「深圳之眼」美稱,值得一遊。
Yazıldığı tarih: 27 Mayıs 2023
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

5 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
May 2023 • Arkadaşlar
First time visited Shenzhen and metro is really friendly. Also there is one restaurant everyone should visit. The owners of this restaurant is couple and they were very nice people. I and my friends spent time there very nice. This was most memorable time during my visit. Nice service and great foods + great beers. Xiong di shao kao (兄弟烧烤) named.
Yazıldığı tarih: 7 Mayıs 2023
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Hong Kong, Çin23.232 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Mar 2023
Given its sheer size and population density, Shenzhen is best explored via its extensive metro network. Train is clean, modern and frequent and price pretty cheap for travelers. It is also the best way to escape traffic congestion in the Guangdong city.
Yazıldığı tarih: 1 Mart 2023
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Guangdong, Çin6 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Şub 2023 • İş
It's really convenient for your trip in Shenzhen via metro. There are 18 lines across the city. Easy for foreigner to check where to go
Yazıldığı tarih: 21 Şubat 2023
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Shenzhen, Çin177 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Kas 2022
The Shenzhen subway system is one of the fastest growing in the world. There were only 5 lines when I first moved to SZ 8 years ago, and now there are 15! It's very clean, well kept, and the map is organized and simple. It's very easy to get almost anywhere in the city via the metro. Also, every station has elevators and convenient access for people with babies or luggage.
Yazıldığı tarih: 22 Kasım 2022
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Buenos Aires, Arjantin70.639 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Nis 2021
Within China I generally take the subway in major cities, such as Shenzhen. It can be busy at rush hour times, which I tend to avoid by going before or after rush hour periods. Other users are mostly friendly. Subway cars are fairly new and clean. I buy metro cards which enable me to enter the system quickly, and I have download the metro App, which gives me the estimate travel time by the routes available.
Yazıldığı tarih: 22 Nisan 2021
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Kuala Lumpur, Malezya3.152 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Ara 2019
Chinese train network, including Shenzhen, rivals Japan's. Only difference is it is way cheaper than Japan.
Love it.
Yazıldığı tarih: 27 Temmuz 2020
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

André K
Hefei, Çin279 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Tem 2020
Easy to get around the city as there is stations at all the main attractions. Trains are not crowded and is very clean. Only negative we could not buy tokins at the vending machines as it was out of service but the staff were super helpful to assist us to obtain tickets.
Yazıldığı tarih: 25 Temmuz 2020
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

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