Khan Asaad Basha
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Trust me, you will really enjoy your time within this beautiful building...
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0Oca 2025
Khan Asaad Basha Khan, Eski Şehir Şehri’nde yer almaktadır. 1752 yılında inşa edilmiş olması, Eski Şehir’in en eski Khan’sı olmakla kalmıyor, ancak uzun vadede Eski Şehir’in en büyük Khan’sı. 2, 500 metrekarelik bir alan görünüyor. Khan Asaad Basha Khan, Al-Buzuriyah Souq’ta veya Spice Souq olarak da biliniyor. A Khan, tek kelimeyle bir Caravanserai olmakla birlikte, her zaman bir şehrin içinde yer alır. Gerçek bir Caravanserai olarak, genellikle bir şehrin dışında yer alır ve genellikle birbirinden yaklaşık 20 km uzaklıkta veya sadece bir deve günü süren bir yolculukta bulunur. Şimdi Khan Asaad Basha, gerçek Osmanlı Mimarisinin muhteşem bir örneğidir. Bölgenin dokuz büyük kubbesinin ortası gökyüzüne açıktır. Ana kapı, develerin kolayca girebileceği kadar yüksektir. Elbette, dedeler yer alt katta kalır ve Khan’ın merkezindeki küçük bir su çeşidi de dâhil olmak üzere geniş bir su alanında sulanır. İkinci kat, çok sayıda karavanın bulunduğu yerdir. Khan Asaad Basha’nın yakınında, genellikle her Khan’ın etrafında bulunan üç temel bina vardır: Öncelikle bir Hamam veya halka açık bir banyo, Omayyad Camii adlı ünlü camisi ve yemek yenebilecek pek çok yer. Bu nedenle, çok haftalar, hatta aylar boyunca bir deve üzerinde olmayı hayal edebilirseniz deveinizin sıkıntılı ve zahmetli yolculuğundan sonra dinlenirken temizlenebilecek, dua edebilecek ve elbette yemek yiyebilecek bir yer bulmak isteyebilirsiniz. Bugün, mütevazı bir giriş ücreti karşılığında Khan Asaad Basha Khan’ya girebilir ve küçük kahve dükkânında kahve veya çayın tadını çıkarırken Khan Asaad Basha Khan’ın güzelliğini hayranlıkla izleyebilirsiniz. İnanın bana, bu güzel binada geçirdiğiniz zamanı gerçekten keyif alacaksınız.

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5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,520 yorum
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Suriye4.046 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Oca 2025 • Arkadaşlar
The Khan Asaad Basha Khan is located in the Old City of Damascus.
It was built in 1752, so it is not the oldest Khan in the Old City, but by far, is the largest Khan in the Old City of Damascus. It appears to be over 2,500 sq meters in size. The Khan Asaad Basha Khan is in the Al-Buzuriyah Souq or also called the Spice Souq.
A Khan is simply a Caravanserai, but is always located within a city, where as a true Caravanserai is simply located outside a city and is usually located about 20 km apart from each other or simply one camel day’s travel.
Now the Khan Asaad Basha is a fantastic example of true Ottoman Architecture. It has nine large domes with the center one open to the sky.
The main door is extremely high to enable the camels to enter easily.
The camels would be kept, of course, on the ground floor and they would be watered in a large water feature including a small water fountain in the center of the Khan.
The second floor would be for all the numerous caravanner’s.
Near the Khan Asaad Basha are three staple buildings that are normally found around each and every Khan: first there is a Hamam or public bath house; the famous mosque called The Omayyad Mosque and many places to eat.
So, you can imagine being on a camel for many weeks or even months, you would want to easily find some place to clean up, pray and of course eat, while your camel are resting after their arduous and toilsome journey.
Today, you can enter the Khan Asaad Basha Khan for a modest entrance fee and enjoy a coffee or tea in the small coffee shop, while admiring the beauty of the Khan Asaad Basha Khan.
Trust me, you will really enjoy your time within this beautiful building.
Yazıldığı tarih: 25 Ocak 2025
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5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Kas 2023 • Aile
This place gives me such a feeling you can't describe it . In addition, there are too much art that has left a special impression on me. I want to visit this wonderful place again and enjoy the positive feelings it gives me.
Yazıldığı tarih: 9 Aralık 2023
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Suriye4.046 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Eki 2022
The Khan As’ad Pasha is the largest Caravanserai in the Old City of Damascus and was built in 1752. It is a MUST SEE tourist site in my humble opinion.
This Khan is located within the famous Damascus Spice Souq and very close to the Umayyad Mosque.
So literary, a Khan means a Roadside Rest House or Inn, but in an urban area. Typically a Caravanserai would be outside the city and each located about a one days camel ride away from each other.
There is a very small entrance charge of 2,000 S £ which is about .40 USD for non-Syrians and tourist. This is a very small price to visit such a historic site.
The first thing you notice is the very high front entrance doors. These are very high because the camels of each Caravan would need to enter.
In the center courtyard of the Caravanserai is a very large water fountain and above the fountain is the largest of the nine ceiling domes and is open to the sky at this time. There are eight other domes over the main courtyard.
The Khan As’ad Pasha has two floors and in the past the camels would rest, drink and sleep on the ground floor in animal stalls, bays or niches and the caravanners who were the traders, travelers and pilgrims who were engaged in long-distance travel would find proper bedding upstairs and they could recover from the day’s journey.
Next to the Khan As’ad Pasha is a Hammam or public bath that was available to the Caravanners.
Today, there is a nice small coffee shop inside and often the Khan As’ad Pasha is used for exhibitions and performances.
I often enter the Khan As’ad Pasha simply to relax, enjoy a nice cup of tea and dream on how this khan must have been like in the past.
Yazıldığı tarih: 5 Kasım 2022
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Glencoe, UK446 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Tem 2022 • Yalnız
Fascinating and beautiful place. Like everything else in Syria, its sadly seen the worst of life lately - but the history of the place is absorbing and palpable. Shame it has graffiti etc on it :(
Yazıldığı tarih: 7 Temmuz 2022
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Suriye4.046 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Şub 2021
The Khan Assad Basha Al Azem is located in the Old City of Damascus in the Al- Buzuriyah Souq. We visit this Khan often as they have many art exhibitions and a nice small coffee shop. It is always a nice ‘resting spot’ after a hectic day within the many old Souq’s within the Old City of Damascus.
This Khan was built in 1751 under the Ottoman Empire and was always the largest Caravanserai in the Old City. When you sit within this famous Khan it is nice to rethink its’ glorious past with many Caravan’s stopping in the city of Damascus to trade. You look at the main entrance and you know its’ very high vaulted ceiling were built to accommodate the thousands of camels that had entered in over two hundred years.
The Khan is between the famous Al-Hamidiyah Souq and the renowned Medhat Basha Souq and called Straight Street.
I simply love the Ottoman architecture as they used many high domes throughout this large 2,500 square meter Caravanserai.
So if you want to simply relax and indulge yourself in the ancient history of Damascus a stop by the Khan Assad Basha Al Azem is a must!
Yazıldığı tarih: 20 Şubat 2021
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M.Musaed Yafi
Şam, Suriye44 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Eki 2018 • Arkadaşlar
It's very nice place , located at Bzorya Market in old city , it's one of beautiful Ottoman Antiquities remains since more two hundred years
Yazıldığı tarih: 10 Kasım 2018
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Kevork G
Beyrut, Lübnan54 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Şub 2018 • Arkadaşlar
i walk around this old areaat 2001ivisited 2 times i rwaly enjoyed beautiful old city with old design and u can find anything u neeed
Yazıldığı tarih: 25 Şubat 2018
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Riyadh, Suudi Arabistan44 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Eki 2016 • Çiftler
A khan ful of every thing where you can enjoy the view very near by shops or the negotiation with the sellers. interesting time in the old souq
Yazıldığı tarih: 30 Eylül 2017
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Damien Mc Sweeney
Cork, İrlanda146 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Tem 2017 • Çiftler
This Khan in the spice souk in the Old City of Damascus a great place to just sit and relax and admire the ceilings, fountain and building itself. A small cafe inside provides refreshments and the entrance fee of SYP 400 (US 80 cents) is well worth it
Yazıldığı tarih: 31 Temmuz 2017
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

Giovanni F
Roma, İtalya12.043 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Kas 2016 • Arkadaşlar
Il più grande caravanserraglio di Damasco: gaurdate che bellezza! Costruito a bande di calcare e basalto nero, fra il 1751 e il 1752 da Azim Pascià allora governatore di Damasco ospita al piano terra numerose cupole ed è suddiviso in nove moduli quadrati con una fontana al centro.
E' in disuso dagli inizi del 1900 ed è stato completamente restaurato nel 1990 per ospitare il museo di storia naturale di Damasco.
Yazıldığı tarih: 6 Haziran 2017
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Khan Asaad Basha - Şam - 2025 - Tripadvisor

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