Millet Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi

Millet Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi

Millet Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi
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Yakın Çevre: Fener ve Balat
İstanbul’un bu hareketsiz ve sosyal anlamda oldukça tutucu bölgesi küçük, ancak gelişmekte olan bir Yahudi toplumunu, Doğu Ortodoks Kilisesi patrikhanesini ve dünyadaki en güzel kiliselerden ve Hıristiyan sanatlarından bazılarını barındırır. Fener ve Balat’ta görülecek en ilginç şeyler antik şehir Konstantinopolis’in hâlâ yerinde duran surları ve Haliç’in dingin kıyıları arasındadır. Muhteşem pek çok manzara, tarihi gezilecek yer, hayret verici mekanlar ve sıcak Türk misafirperverliğine rağmen bölge, yakınlardaki Sultanahmet ve Kapalı Çarşı çevresindeki atmosferin ana karakterini belirleyen turizm açısından bakıldığında büyük ölçüde sakindir. Gözden uzak yerleri keşfetmeyi seven gezginler şehrin bu sade bölgesini ziyaret ettiklerinde bunun karşılığını muhteşem şekilde göreceklerdir.
Nasıl gidilir?
  • Vezneciler • 6 dakikalık yürüyüş mesafesinde
  • Aksaray • 8 dakikalık yürüyüş mesafesinde
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5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,52 yorum
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Ivanovo, Rusya47.129 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Eki 2022 • Çiftler
Istanbul's Fevzi Paşa Avenue, smoothly flowing into its urban "brother" - Macar Kardeşler - is the main transport artery of Fatih, cutting it almost exactly in half from the northwest to the southeast. Having started in the area of the Mihrimah Sultan Mosque, I vigorously moved in the south-east direction, looking for the next Istanbul must see.
Having passed the “intersection” with Feyzullah Efendi street (it is at this point that the first avenue ends and the second one begins), on the right hand, in the “field of view” of my trusty camera, a building came into view, which I at first mistook for a temple. But, as it turned out, it was just a library... But what a library!!!
Meet the Millet Manuscript Library (Millet Yazma Eser Kütüphanesi). Umnyshka-Wikipedia (Turkish) refers to the object as the “Folk Art Library” or “National Library of Written Works”. I didn’t quite understand this “play on words,” but I realized that this was not just a regional library, so I focused my attention on the building in which this institution is located.
The library itself began to function more than a hundred years ago - in 1916, at the instigation of Ali Emiri Efendi, a bibliophile, religious researcher and author of treatises, who donated a personal collection of printed and manuscript publications, numbering more than 16,000 rarities, most of which are rare and single copies, with dates of the Ottoman Empire, Sultan's diwans, Shuar treatises and decrees.
For a long time, Ali Emiri Effendi traveled to various regions of the Ottoman Empire and collected books, handwritten texts, etc. After his retirement in 1908, more than forty chests of printed and handwritten artifacts arrived in Istanbul and settled in a two-story house in Beyazit. And on April 17, 1916, it was this man who opened the National Library, named in his honor.
The library was located in the building of the former Feyzullah Efendi Madrasah, which is located in the İskender Paşa Mahallesi quarter of the Fatih district on Feyzullah Efendi Street. And now we come to the most important thing!!! The mentioned madrasah was built back in 1700-1701 by the diligence of Sheikhulislam (a government official who had the highest authority in religious matters) Sayyid Feyzullah Efendi from Erzurum as Dar al-Hadis (Dârü’l Hadis). The latter was also a kazasker, a muderris, a mentor to the shehzade and an adviser to the Sultan. That is, the personality is more than outstanding!!!
Let me make a reservation right away: over the past more than three centuries, the building has repeatedly suffered from fires and earthquakes, therefore, quite expectedly, it has undergone a number of serious reconstructions and repairs, so its current appearance is significantly different from the original one.
The former madrasah is architecturally composed of two adjacent buildings erected in the style of the classical period of Ottoman architecture: the main building, consisting of ten small rooms with an L-shaped portico in front, as well as two symmetrical halls with domes opposite, to which a staircase leads from the courtyard. The latter, as expected, is decorated with a garden, a fountain for ablution (shadirvan) and a well.
The status of the institution changed several times: from the National Library it “turned” into the Provincial Public Library, then into the Fatih District Library, and finally became a research and specialized library. The object is very interesting in historical and architectural terms (not to mention its library collection!!!). Do not miss!!!
Yazıldığı tarih: 18 Eylül 2023
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Marco T
Floransa, İtalya1.964 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Haz 2022
Ecco un'altra bella e casuale scoperta. Mentre mi aggiravo nei dintorni della moschea di Fatih in attesa di poter pranzare all'ottimo ristorante siriano Vezir Han, mi sono trovato di fronte a questo interessante edificio, che la guida Istanbul step by step edita a suo tempo dal municipio di Istanbul mi ha aiutato a cooscere meglio, al di là del piacere estetico che la sua visione provoca. Si tratta di una marassa di dieci stanze provvista di una piccola moschea e, come spiega una targa bilingue opportunamente collocata all'esterno, costruita nel 1701 dallo studioso di religioni e collezionista di libri Feyzullan Efendi Ali Emiri, che ha lasciato all'istituzione un notevole tesoro bibliografico. Da notare che nella biblioteca si conserva l'unica copia rimasta del primo dizionario turco.
Yazıldığı tarih: 14 Haziran 2022
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