The Photographic Angle

The Photographic Angle

The Photographic Angle
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5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,01 yorum
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Northwood, UK1.350 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Şub 2017 • Aile
The Photographic Angle is a charity which holds free exhibitions across the country transforming otherwise empty spaces into temporary galleries. We went to see an interesting photographic exhibition entitles Creativity. When we arrived we found 2 seemingly deserted office blocks. We buzzed at the entry to the car park of one of the buildings and a security guard opened the barrier, let us park and let us into the building. There were no other visitors there and the person running the exhibition had gone on a food break so we wandered around the exhibition ourselves accompanied by the security guard who was happy to chat to us about the exhibits. Thee were some very large photos on canvas covering 3 floors of the building. The exhibition also extended to a second building but as the person in charge was not there we could not get access to this part of the exhibition. The photos were interesting and our young children quite enjoyed them although the whole experience was somewhat surreal - i.e. wandering around an empty office building with a security guard looking at photos that somewhat had left there.
Yazıldığı tarih: 12 Şubat 2017
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