Da Tian Hou Gong

Da Tian Hou Gong

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5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0133 yorum
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Singapur505 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Ara 2024 • Aile
A wonderfully interesting place to visit - a different experience from the Taoist & Confucius temples. Look out for a large sign in English (placed against the wall near the Buddha shrine) for a detailed explanation of the temple, its various altars and the gods represented in each.
Yazıldığı tarih: 20 Aralık 2024
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Glasgow, UK186.202 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Nis 2024 • Arkadaşlar
This temple is dedicated to the sea goddess and Mother of Heaven, Mazu in Chinese religion. The curved roof has primarily dragon finials, although there seems to be something that looks like a phoenix too. The Main Hall is dedicated to Mazu, flanked by her two guardian demons Qianliyan and Shunfeng'er, although you would have to be close to the altar to see them as they’re almost covered by the curtains. A beautiful temple worth visiting for the visuals.
Yazıldığı tarih: 29 Nisan 2024
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Bagolino, İtalya7.805 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Mar 2024 • Çiftler
Nice temple to visit and people who come for their rituals. Free entry and you can take photos. The rooms at the back are also worth seeing.
Yazıldığı tarih: 15 Nisan 2024
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Preston, UK4.173 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Kas 2023 • Çiftler
This was probably our favourite temple visited in Tainan. Although the main hall is dedicated to Mazu, goddess of the sea, the area is vast inside with multiple shrines honouring different deities. This is the oldest shrine to Mazu in Taiwan first established in 1662. There are many interesting architectural features such as barbarian figures holding up the corners of the main hall. It is worth spending at least 30 minutes to discover the various alcoves.
Yazıldığı tarih: 5 Aralık 2023
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Janice W
Kaliforniya48 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Ağu 2023 • Yalnız
A place that I visit every time I go back to my hometown. You can talk to Mazu. She knows all your worries. She will make everything alright at the end.
Yazıldığı tarih: 7 Eylül 2023
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Taipei, Tayvan1.477 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
May 2023 • Yalnız
The original site of the Great Tianhou Palace was originally the residence of Prince Ningjing of the Southern Ming Dynasty. It was later transformed into the Mazu Temple after the residence of Prince Ningjing. The Grand Tianhou Temple has been renovated many times and is the only architectural relic of the Ming Dynasty royal palace in Taiwan. It is also the earliest Mazu temple in Taiwan that was built by the government and included in the official sacrificial ceremony. There are many ancient plaques and couplets in the temple, including the imperial plaques given by emperors such as Kangxi and Yongzheng, which are the highest among all temples in Taiwan.
Yazıldığı tarih: 30 Ağustos 2023
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Liege, Belçika3.912 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 5,0
Şub 2023 • Çiftler
Ohhh grande déesse, Matsu, déesse de la mer,
Guide des marins et des voyageurs,
Ta beauté légendaire éblouit,
Et ton pouvoir apaise les tempêtes.

Ta couronne dorée brille dans l'obscurité,
Ta robe rouge comme le feu danse dans le vent,
Ta perle scintille dans ta main,
Symbole de ton pouvoir divin

Tu es la bienveillante protectrice,
Celle qui veille sur les navigateurs,
Leur offrant sécurité et succès,
Et les ramenant sains et saufs à la rive.

Matsu, déesse de la mer,
Ta présence est une bénédiction,
Et ta puissance est une source d'inspiration,
Pour ceux qui cherchent fortune sur les flots salés.
Yazıldığı tarih: 22 Şubat 2023
Bu yorum, bir Tripadvisor üyesinin öznel görüşü olup Tripadvisor LLC şirketine ait değildir. Tripadvisor, yorumlar üzerinde kontroller yapmaktadır.

1 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 1,0
Kas 2021
Yazıldığı tarih: 25 Kasım 2021
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Zhongshan District, Taipei13.959 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Eki 2020 • Yalnız
Yazıldığı tarih: 24 Ekim 2020
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Brisbane3.621 katkı
5 baloncuk üzerinden 4,0
Oca 2020
My wife and I enjoyed a 6 night Wendy Wu private tour of Taiwan as part of our 18 day Asian trip to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. Our tour took in Taipei, Taroko Gorge, Sun Moon Lake, Tainan and Kaohsiung.

The visit to Tainan incorporated a number of religious, cultural and historical attractions and one of these was the Grand Matsu Temple, also known as the Da Tian Hou Gong or Great Queen of Heaven Temple. This temple is just a short 3 minutes walk away from the Chihkan Tower (Fort Provintia) which we had visited earlier.

The Grand Matsu Temple, constructed in 1664, was originally the palace of Zhu Shugui, known as the Prince of Ningjing. It was renovated in 1765 and again in 1775, when it assumed its current appearance. It fell into disrepair after a fire in 1818 and was partially rebuilt after damage from an earthquake in 1946. This Grand Matsu Temple was the first official Matsu temple built in Taiwan. For over 300 years the Grand Matsu Temple has become an important cultural and religious centre for Taiwanese people. A telling piece of legendary history occurred here in the Main Hall, when in 1683, the Prince of Ningjing and his five concubines committed suicide following the imminent surrender of his dynasty to the Qing empire.

We enjoyed this temple experience. There are five halls that can be visited (the Main Hall, Worship Hall, Sacred Parent’s Hall, San-Bao Hall and the Guanyin Hall). The ones we visited had their own unique set of temple treasures and cultural relics and god statues. The Main Hall has a most magnificent 300 year old statue of Mazu (the Legendary Chinese Sea Goddess) with a golden face, flanked by statues of the lesser gods of Thousand-Miles Eye and Tailwind Ear. She is about four metres tall and is wearing a crown with nine beaded tassels and a splendid royal gown. This Mazu masterpiece takes centre stage as the stand out feature of this temple visit. The three bronzed San-Bao Buddhas in the San-Bao Hall, sitting behind a smiling pink Buddha, were also impressive. In one of the halls there was a most unusually constructed black wooden ceiling with solid wooden cross beams, that caught our eye.

The temple is a richly carved wooden building. The main entrance to the temple is very beautiful. There are two most elaborate finely-etched stone dragon columns flanking the centre doors guarded by a male and female lion statue on either side. There are also two side doors and we observed temple etiquette by entering from the left door and leaving from the door on the right, avoiding the centre door which is reserved for the gods.

This temple was not on our original tour itinerary. However it contains so much history and magnificent art treasures that it was for us a very pleasing added extra.

Yazıldığı tarih: 26 Haziran 2020
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